18 June 08 20:04, Diana Bahur-Nir
Israeli students record excellent GMAT scores.
The US-Israel Educational Foundation (USIEF) (the Fulbright Program) reports that 110 Israeli students will begin MBA studies in the US in the upcoming academic year. 21 Israelis have been accepted by the University of Pennsylvania Wharton Business School, a record number. Wharton is considered the top business school in the US, and accepts 800 students a year for its MBA program.
The University of Chicago accepted 14 Israeli students for its MBA program, the second largest number. In third place is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's MBA program, which accepted 10 Israelis.
The USIEF collates figures for the number of Israeli students accepted by US universities. USIEF senior educational adviser Galit Adesman said, "This is the third consecutive year in which more than 100 Israeli students have been accepted to MBA programs. Before that, the number ranged between 60 and 70."
The USIEF added that the average GMAT score achieved by Israeli students was 700. The Princeton Review's Israeli director, Dov Shalit noted, "Only 7% of students taking the GMAT score 700 points. In Israel, 15-25% of those taking the test score 700."
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - www.globes-online.com - on June 18, 2008
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