Hi-Tech & Technology

A Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone equipped with Red Bend's 'dual-persona' operating systems (photo credit: Courtesy)  Read more: 'Split personality' phone solves major security breach | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/split-personality-phone-solves-major-security-breach/#ixzz35giwdKvz  Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

BY DAVID SHAMAH February 27, 2013

Red Bend’s new dual-persona Android OS platform for Samsung phones provides a better solution to the ‘BYOD dilemma’

BY DAVID SHAMAH December 20, 2012

Red Bend is the world’s most popular solution for safe over-the-air software updates for smart devices

13 March 12 14:24, Roy Goldenberg

CEO Johnathan Assia: We want to become one of the largest investment houses in the world.

Samaritan menuscript. Photo by Michigan State University

By Ofer Aderet May 25, 2012

A pioneering digitizing project led by American experts will now enable members of the community – numbering just 750 – to glance at their past.

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